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Javascript: Closures

If you don’t know what Context or Scope is, I recommend you to read a previous post talking about Context VS Scope. What Closure is?

Javascript: Context vs Scope

Photo by Irvan Smith on Unsplash In the next posts, I’ll talk about the closures and lexical environment . To be easier to understand both. I’ll give more knowledge about context/scope and the difference between them.

How to use apply, bind & call in Javascript

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash This post has the intention to discuss the difference between apply , bind , and call methods.

Help him!! Help your code reviewer.

Photo by AltumCode on Unsplash Recently, I did a talk about Git to colleagues from my new work. The objective was to pass my learnings about Git to them. I learned a lot of Git in my last company. Not just commands but how to make our life easy when we do code review. The main goal of this post is what you can do to make easy the life of your code reviewer.

Transform Medium to Markdown

Motivation In the last year(2018), I and my friend heliocorreia talk about making the personal website and make a post in it. But, I different from him didn’t want to create a blog system for posting. I thought, why not use Medium with as my publication platform and I build a script to migrate from Medium to Markdown?

Web Components with Redux

Do you need use Web Components in your application? No, you don’t need it. I’m totally against the hype. You should use if only you need. I see some advantages to use if you really need it. For example componentization and your advantages, very small final bundle size, etc. In the article I talk about a project we(My team) started at The project was build Stories like Instagram. We use ZuckJS for a POC(proof of concept) but we need to customize a lot this lib. It was a very expensive cost to customize, so I start writing a Vanilla Javascript Lib and after I transform it to Web Components. You can see here the vanilla version — branch master.

Hello and welcome

Hello everyone, my name is Leidson Cruz and i’am Software Engineer. Currently i live on Lisbon - Portugal but i’am from João Pessoa - Brazil. I lived on Rio de Janeiro for 4 years before move to Lisbon and was a amazing experience.